출근길에 영어듣기를 하면서 가자고 다잡았던 마음이 어디론가 날아가 버렸다ㅠ
한동안 정말 열심히 들었는데ㅠㅠ
그런데 똑똑한 유튜브가 오랜만에 빨간모자 선생님의 라이브아카데미 동영상을 추천해주었다. #빨간모자쌤 #빨간모자선생님 #라이브아카데미 #영어공부
2021년을 맞이해서 새로운 영어연습가이드를 만들어주신것이다!!!
이번 영어연습가이드는 매일 영작을 하는게 아주 효과적이고 필요한 영어학습법이지만, 주제를 정하기 힘들어 하는 사람들이 많아서 주제를 정하고 말하는 순서를 정해주신것이다. #매일영어공부 #영어일기
동영상보고 아 이거다 싶었다. 솔직히 이정도면 떠먹여주는거같다는 생각이 들었다. 따라가지 않으면 손해인 것 같은 느낌이랄까?
듣기도 중요하지만 내가 원하던 학습 방식이 이거라고 생각이 들어서 오늘부터 꾸준히 해보려고 한다.
원래 영작은 매일해보기로 다짐했건만...ㅠ 오래 못갔다ㅠㅠ
이번에는 매일은 아니더라도 일주일에 3번은 꼭해야겠다! (tracker에 영어공부가 아닌 영작을 추가해야겠다 ㅎㅎㅎ 내 불렛저널...ㅎㅎㅎ #불렛저널 #트랙커 #불렛저널트랙커 ) 다른 주 3회는 듣기를 열심히하고..! 혼자 나름 영어공부 플랜을 세워봐야겠다! 계획을 세우고나서 내가 얼마나 했는지 확인할 수 있는 기록방식!
불렛저널 트랙커 무료공유합니다! bullet journal, tracker
↓↓↓↓↓트랙커 파일은 는 포스팅 가장 아래 첨부되어 있습니다! 12월이 되면서, 내년 2021년에 사용할 다이어리 템플릿을 직접 만들어서 공유했었는데요!! (저는 갤럭시 탭 s6 유저로, pdf 파일
일단 이것부터 오늘해보고!
이번 빨간모자 선생님의 영어연습가이드 첫번째 주제는 <후회> 이다.
영작은 아래와 같은 순서로 하면 된다.
- 후회되는 과거의 일
- 왜 그런일이 생겼는지
- 그것으로부터 깨달은 것
- 당시에 어떻게 했었어야, 하지 말았어야 했는지
- 그랬으면 결과가 어떻게 달라졌을지
- 앞으로 실수하지 않기 위한 다짐
음.. 내가 후회할 일 한게 뭐가있을까
[내가 그냥 쓴거]
Well... I usually have been trying not to regret of anything, because one day I realized that I always regreted of everything I did including what I buy, act, think, eat and so on, literally everything. I know that regretting is not all bad feeling, because people can move forward based on realizing what they need to change and figure out from feelings like regret. But I think I was too intimidated by regretful feeling, so I was sad and lost confidence of myself. That's why I decided to change myself to think positively and believe myself. Oh... I changed my mind and the way to think myself from the feeling like sad and blue by regretfulness? Interesting. I've thought that I was a victim of huge regretfulness, but I wasn't.
Anyway, for now, I can tell that I have a regretfulness of not helping household work of house in Incheon. It has long history of my family and Korea, but it is stupid culture that working for household is just for women. I've grown up with that culture.... Yeah this is definitely excuses. I know. I should've help my mother for cleaning and maintaining household with my father and brother. We all have to regret not to help her doing work in house. It is not for herself. I really admire her. If every family member clean and maintain the house equally, she didn't have any disease in her waist and arms. I think her bad condition of shoulder and waist have been caused by all the house work. So, yeah, I can wash dishes at least whenever being in the house in Incheon. It's not for her, because it is not obliged to her.
[문법 수정]
Well... I usually have been trying not to regret of anything, because one day I realized that I always regretted of everything I did including what I buy, act, think, eat, and so on, literally everything. I know that regretting is not all bad feeling, because people can move forward based on realizing what they need to change and figure out from feelings like regret. But I think I was too intimidated by regretful feelings, so I was sad and lost confidence of in myself. That's why I decided to change myself to think positively and believe in myself. Oh... Did I changed my mind and the way to think myself from the feeling like sad and blue by regretfulness? Interesting. I've thought that I was a victim of huge regretfulness, but I wasn't.
Anyway, for now, I can tell that I have a regretfulness of not helping household work of house in Incheon. It has a long history of my family and Korea, but it is a stupid culture that working for a household is just for women. I've grown up with that culture.... Yeah this is definitely excuses. I know. I should've helped my mother for with cleaning and maintaining the household with my father and brother. We all have to regret not to help helping her doing work in the house. It is not for herself. I really admire her. If every family member clean and maintain the house equally, she didn't have any disease in her waist and arms. I think her bad condition of shoulder and waist have been caused by all the housework. So, yeah, I can wash dishes at least whenever being in the house in Incheon. It's not for her, because it is not obliged to her.
Well... I usually have been trying not to regret anything, because one day I realized that I always regretted everything I did including what I buy, act, think, eat, and so on, literally everything. I know that regretting is not all bad feeling, because people can move forward based on realizing what they need to change and figure out from feelings like regret. But I think I was too intimidated by regretful feeling, so I was sad and lost confidence in myself. That's why I decided to change myself to think positively and believe in myself. Oh... Did I change my mind and the way to think of myself from feeling sad and blue by regretfulness? Interesting. I've thought that I was a victim of huge regretfulness, but I wasn't.
Anyway, for now, I can tell that I have a regretfulness of not helping household work of house in Incheon. It has a long history of my family and Korea, but it is a stupid culture that working for a household is just for women. I've grown up with that culture.... Yeah this is definitely an excuse. I know. I should've helped my mother with cleaning and maintaining the household with my father and brother. We all have to regret not helping her doing work in the house. It is not for herself. I really admire her. If every family member clean and maintain the house equally, she didn't have any disease in her waist and arms. I think her bad condition of shoulder and waist have been caused by all the housework. So, yeah, I can wash dishes at least whenever being in the house in Incheon. It's not for her, because it is not obliged to her.
[번역기 보고 다시 수정]
Well... I usually have been trying not to regret anything, because one day I realized that I always regretted everything I did including what I buy, act, think, eat, and so on, literally everything. I know that regretting is not all bad feeling, because people can move forward based on realizing what they need to change from feelings like regret. But I think I was too intimidated by regretful feeling, so I was sad and lost confidence in myself. That's why I decided to change myself to think positively and believe in myself. Oh... Did I change my mind and the way to think of myself from feeling sad and blue by regretfulness? Interesting. I've thought that I was a victim of huge regretfulness, but I wasn't.
Anyway, for now, I can tell that I have a regretfulness of not helping household work of house in Incheon. It has a long history of my family and Korea, but it is a stupid culture that working for a household is just on women. I've grown up with that culture.... Yeah this is definitely an excuse. I know. I should've helped my mother with cleaning and maintaining the household with my father and brother. We all have to regret not helping her doing work in the house. It is not for herself. I really admire her. If every family member has cleaned and maintained the house equally, she won't have any disease in her waist and arms. I think her bad condition of shoulder and waist have been caused by all the housework. So, yeah, I can wash dishes at least whenever being in the house in Incheon. It's not for her, because it is not obliged to her.
음... 이정도 작문으로 영어실력이 늘...까...?ㅠ 빨간모자쌤 믿어봐야지..!
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