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[영어작문 1-1] 유튜브 영어 브이로그 소감!

아라미니 2021. 1. 13. 01:12

영어공부루틴 1-1

유튜브 브이로그 (7분) - 유상YOOSANG/6일, 처음부터 끝까지 영국영어로 브이로그, MY VERY FIRST ENGLISH VLOG


This video is a vlog of Yoosang speaking in only English throughout the whole video. The reason why I chose her video is I really like and admire her, and also I want to be familiar to listen and understand British English. There are many factors that make me be ambitious to learn British English, but I think the most influencing factor is definitely the movie 'Harry Potter'. 

Back to the vlog, she filmed her daylife in UK, like introducing her new trolley what she really recommended in this video, food shopping in Aldi, and talking about her small tip the way how she learned English. 

I think her life living in the UK alone with a proper job and English speaking skills is what I dreamed of when I was in the master course, about 2 and 3 years ago. At that moment, I was really tired of my life in school, so really wanted to go wherever not in school. So seriously I imagined living abroad where I can live only by myself. Now I think that would be very tough for me, because my English is not that good and I am not a kind person who can live far away from family and friends. Getting older, I realize that I prioritize relationships with people around me. So even if I could go abroad and live by myself as I wanted, it would not really happy life, I think. Well, I could have better English skills and the ability to survive by myself at least.

Anyway, her vlog was impressive, I feel more ambitious to live hard through this video. But I think my British accent is quite awkward, so I can choose vlog using another English accent. 

